Lifelong learning measures
Public resources (lifelong learning)
Universitas Sriwijaya ensures easy access to education because it is the right of every citizen. As an institution primarily focused on education, Universitas Sriwijaya open opportunities for the entire Indonesian community to access education provided by the university. This is evidenced by easy access to library services and journals through an open system that can be accessed by everyone through the available website. Education is also provided through other platforms that are now close to the community, such as YouTube and Instagram. Officially, the faculties at Universitas Sriwijaya also offer Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and open educational content.
Digital Library Universitas Sriwijaya
Repository Universitas Sriwijaya
e-Journal Sriwijaya University
Sriwijaya Law Center
Podcast FH Universitas Sriwijaya
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Bidang Arsitektur, Rekayasa dan Konstruksi
Public Event (Lifelong learning)
Continuously and through ad hoc events, Universitas Sriwijaya is consistently developing activities related to academic development aimed at both internal and external stakeholders of the university. This is intended to provide continually refreshed insights for the academic community at Universitas Sriwijaya and involve external stakeholders in education. Seminar activities, ranging from national to international seminars with various participants and speakers from both domestic and international backgrounds, are also one of the ways Universitas Sriwijaya stays connected with its stakeholders.
Public Lecture: Opportunities and Challenges in Indonesian Social Political Economy Post Covid-19
CALL FOR PAPER: 10th National Seminar on Suboptimal Land 2022
Webinar Soft Systems Methodology: Alternative Design in Qualitative Research
The 5th International Conference on Social Studies and Humanities (ICOSH)
Webinar International Relations Forum Webinar, Bilateral Dynamics: Important Current issues between Indonesia and Malaysia
The 3rd Sriwijaya International Conference On Environmental Issues (SRICOENV 2022)
Vocational training events (lifelong learning)
Universitas Sriwijaya conducts training for the community outside the university, specifically tailored to their respective fields. For instance, the Faculty of Education at Universitas Sriwijaya organizes training for teachers related to curriculum development. The Faculty of Economics at UNSRI aids taxpayers. Additionally, students through student organizations contribute by organizing teaching programs for schools, making it a mandatory agenda to share knowledge. This collaborative effort reflects the university’s commitment to extending educational benefits beyond its campus boundaries.
Training on the Creation and Use of Interactive Thematic Learning Media for the 2013 Curriculum for Teachers at SD Musi Rawas Utara (Muratara)
Tax Volunteers FE UNSRI
Sriwijaya University “Mengajar”
Education outreach activities beyond campus
Education is a right for all, and to realize this, Universitas Sriwijaya, through the implementation of the three pillars of higher education (tridharma perguruan tinggi), provides grants related to community service, such as the Adopted Village Program and Village Lectures. The goal is to ensure that education reaches all segments beyond the campus. The mentoring process is not only carried out with different themes each year but also includes some activities that are sustained annually. This approach demonstrates Universitas Sriwijaya’s commitment to making education accessible to all sectors of society beyond the university campus.
Mentoring and Training in Product Photography as a means of digital-based promotion for micro, small and medium businesses in Sukaraja Baru Village, South Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency
Community Service grant for the Assisted Village scheme
Community Service grant for the Village Lecture scheme
Lifelong learning access policy
Universitas Sriwijaya, starting from its statutes, UNSRI education standards, and the UNSRI academic guidelines, ensures that learning is accessible without discrimination. This includes the provisions outlined in Rector Regulation of Universitas Sriwijaya Number 5 of 2020 on the Education Standards of Universitas Sriwijaya, which upholds the values of tolerance regardless of ethnicity, religion, and race. This policy is supported by providing scholarships for faculty members and education staff within the Universitas Sriwijaya community. This commitment reflects the university’s dedication to fostering an inclusive and tolerant learning environment.
Sriwijaya University Educational Standard
Academic Guidelines of Sriwijaya University
MBKM Guidelines of Sriwijaya University
Rector’s Regulation on e-learning at Sriwijaya University
Sriwijaya University Scholarship Policy