Employment practice
The Human Resources (HR) of Sriwijaya University is a crucial component in the innovation process and determines the value of Sriwijaya University. HR is the primary factor that needs to be effectively managed as it constitutes the intellectual capital that adds value to Sriwijaya University. The management of human resources at Sriwijaya University is regulated to accommodate the future needs and developments of the university. The procedures for recruitment, appointment, career development, and termination of UNSRI employees are carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
8.2.1 Employment practice living wage
Faculty members and educational staff at Sriwijaya University are entitled to receive recognition for their work achievements in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, namely the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR). Sriwijaya University carefully regulates the rights and obligations of human resources through policies outlined in the Statute of Sriwijaya University. Additionally, the Rector of Sriwijaya University strives to enhance the well-being of human resources by providing additional benefits in the form of remuneration. This policy is governed by a Decree on the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Remuneration for Faculty Members and Educational Staff.
Statuta mengenai Hak dan Kewajiban SDM UNSRI
SK Rektor UNSRI Peningkatan Kesejahteraan SDM melalui Remunerasi
8.2.2 Employment practice unions
Sriwijaya University always plays an active role in supporting national development. One of the implementations of national development is to develop Indonesian people as a whole and Indonesian society as a whole to create a prosperous, just and prosperous society, which is equitable, both materially and spiritually based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The growth of trade unions has a positive impact regarding employment patterns and systems in the country. As an educational institution, Sriwijaya University considers it necessary to provide education regarding labor unions to both students and the community through active participation in activities related to labor unions.
BEM UNSRI melaksanakan Talkshow dengan Serikat Pekerja PLN
Research UNSRI terkait Serikat Kerja
8.3.3 Employment policy on discrimination
Sriwijaya University is highly committed to fostering tolerance for diversity among the Indonesian population. Therefore, the policy of non-discrimination concerning the university’s human resources starts from the recruitment process. Sriwijaya University has issued Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) regarding employee recruitment that adheres to applicable laws and is openly accessible to all Indonesian citizens without regard to religion, race, culture, or gender. This is reflected in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Recruitment of New Employees at Sriwijaya University.
POS Penerimaan Pegawai Baru UNSRI
8.2.4 Employment policy modern slavery
Sriwijaya University, as an academic institution with the aim of shaping individuals with noble character, strongly opposes human exploitation. Faculty members direct students to conduct various research projects to understand the dangers of human trafficking. Human trafficking, especially child trafficking, is a crime that occurs frequently at both the national and international levels. Child trafficking, with its syndicate networks, takes on various forms and purposes, such as forced labor, modern slavery, sexual exploitation or prostitution, drug trafficking, street performances, and so on.
Research Terkait Perdagangan Manusia
8.2.5. Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing
8.2.6 Tracking pay scale for gender equity
Sriwijaya University, in granting rights to faculty members and staff, adheres to laws and government regulations without regard to gender. Academic staff (faculty members) and educational staff (administrative staff) at Sriwijaya University receive wages in accordance with Government Regulations, such as Government Regulation Number 15 of 2019, which stipulates that wages are provided based on rank and position without gender discrimination, whether male or female. This reference is then derived and regulated within the statutes of Sriwijaya University.